As Surely As the Sun is a journal of catholic and orthodox Christian faith. Catholic meaning universal, the manifest Truth in all those who profess it at all times and in all places. Orthodox meaning correct in teaching, clinging humbly and with gratitude to the protective guardrails of tradition, along the path of belief and of being which Scripture ultimately paves for us.
As Surely As the Sun seeks to serve, humbly, as one platform for professing Christians to contribute poetry, prose, and visual art for the purposes of our mission. Our mission is one that is ages old and everlasting: to proclaim Christ and Him crucified, and to glorify the Godhead, as it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be, world without end.
For those who come across this journal who aren’t of the faith, our hope is this: that they would view the beautiful means of creation the Creator inspires in His children, and that they may consider the Lord our God, who will appear as surely as the sun, and press on to know Him, as knowledge of God - we believe as the prophets and saints did before us - is worth more than anything.
As Surely As the Sun was founded in December of 2022. While we do not have fixed publication dates, we aim to publish three issues of our long-form journal per year. We are listed on the literary databases Poets & Writers, Duotrope, CLMP, and Chillsubs. As we continually publish issues, in addition to being freely available to read online, print editions of each issue can be purchased through our Blurb profile. We welcome you to follow us on our Instagram or Substack to receive occasional updates. Our inbox is also always open for any questions, comments, or concerns.